Knollcrest Music Camp High School Week Registration

Student Info

Adult sizes only
Pre-registrations included a non-refundable deposit of $25 and were collected in August 2024. Those who pre-registered have received a discount code for $50 off of their registration
If you received a scholarship from a school or community organization, please list that organization(s).
If you received a scholarship, please list the amount(s).

Camp Permissions and Agreements

I consent for use of student's image in publicity (photo and/or video).
I agree that my student will attend class full-time and will perform in the Friday evening concert.
Click here to read the document.

Medical and Emergency Information

Please identify any significant medical conditions (i.e. asthma, diabetes, allergies/reactions to medications, foods, bee stings etc.), major illnesses, or injuries that may affect your child's participation in Calvin University activities.
I understand that Calvin University does not provide medical insurance for program participants. I hereby confirm that my child is covered by the health insurance policy listed above. I authorize Calvin University or its designated person to secure medical attention for my child if any such person deems necessary if I am not available to make a decision regarding such medical attention. This consent shall not impose any obligation to provide such medical attention and it is understood that such persons might not be trained medical personnel. I hereby authorize the Grand Rapids emergency health care system to provide any necessary care.

Scheduling and Registration

Each of these options will fill a student's schedule. Schedules cannot accommodate both a secondary ensemble and electives. Students must choose between the two. The secondary ensembles (jazz band and musical theatre) meet three times each day. Students who choose electives will submit 6 classes in order of preference and will be scheduled with 3 that will each meet once a day.

Secondary Ensemble


Please sign up for six different electives in order of preference. KMC office staff will do their best to accommodate student preferences. Those who have pre-registered are scheduled first, and then all other registrations are scheduled in order of registration date. 

Because you have selected Chamber Music as an elective of interest, please select the instrument you are interested in playing.

Number of years of experience you have on the instrument selected above.

Because you have selected Voice as an elective, please choose a voice part.

Number of years of experience you have with the voice part selected above.

Additional Learning Opportunity: Honors Collaborative

Please note, this opportunity is optional
KMC offers an additional opportunity for those students interested in focusing more deeply in their area of performance. Honors students are selected by KMC faculty and assigned to an appropriate small ensemble with classical or jazz emphasis. Students involved in the Honors Collaborative are expected to participate in the Primary Ensemble (Choir, Concert Band, or String Orchestra) of their honors emphasis. Any exceptions will be determined by KMC faculty.

All honors ensembles (except the Jazz Combo) meet during the elective classes block of the camp day for rehearsal and faculty coaching. The Jazz Combo will meet during the 8th hour (3:30-4:30pm) each day. All Honors Ensembles will perform for their peers at the Friday afternoon assembly. 

Students interested in the Honors Collaborative must submit an audio/video recording along with their online KMC application. Application materials include a prepared piece, designated technical elements (scales, vocalizes), and an assigned etude. Audition materials are available on the KMC website. The deadline for all Honors Program applications (which must include a recording) is June 30. Students with incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

Vocal and instrumental options are both available for the Honors Collaborative Classical

Additional Learning Opportunity: Private Lessons

Please note, this opportunity is optional
All high school students have the opportunity to schedule a 30-minute lesson with a member of the
Calvin music faculty. Lessons are held immediately before or after the camp day (depending upon
faculty availability). Lessons are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Students registered for a private lesson will then be charged an additional $30 fee. Students can indicate their interest in scheduling a private lesson during High School Week when completing their online registration. Payment for a lesson can be added to the registrant's cart when paying (after this form is filled out). 

Additional Learning Opportunity: Masterclass

Please note: This opportunity is optional.

A masterclass is like a public lesson. Students perform a piece in front of a small audience and a teacher. The teacher gives feedback to students and helps them improve their performance. Similar to solo and ensemble! The scheduling of this event is based on student interest and would take place during one of the noon assemblies throughout the camp week.

Boxed Lunches

Students may choose to purchase boxed lunches. This purchase is optional. Boxed lunches include a sandwich, chips, a fruit or vegetable, a treat, and bottled water. The cost for the week is $50 and is paid at the payment link after the submission of this registration.

Payment Agreement

Use the link on the next screen to complete your payment and registration. Once you click the payment link, please scroll down and select "summer camps."

Registrations are considered complete once payment has been received.

Once payment has been received, should you need to cancel your student's registration, Knollcrest Music Camp will retain $12 to cover the cost of fees.
If you will be paying offline with a check, please mail your payment as soon as possible to 1795 Knollcrest Circle SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 attn: Knollcrest Music Camp